Turtles are another amazing animal we learned about in Franklin County, Florida. We went to hear Bruce Drye talk about turtles. He is specially trained to handle turtles. He told us that sea turtles are among the oldest creatures on earth. When the loggerhead turtle hatches it is only about two inches long but the adult loggerhead sea turtles are among the larger of the sea turtle species and weigh an average of 275 pounds. Loggerhead turtles don’t have teeth; instead they have powerful jaws enable them to crush and ingest clams, crabs and other shellfish. There are several volunteer groups that try to protect the sea turtles and their nests. "Sea turtles migrate between nesting areas and foraging areas, often traveling hundreds, even thousands of miles to reach a desired location. Some individual turtles that nest in Franklin County may travel as far as the coast of Central or South America to forage before returning to nest," Mr. Drye explained. He also said, "Turtles are not decision makers. They operate on instinct so if people leave the lights on in their house the baby turtles head toward the house instead to the sea and if there are beach chairs and other things in the way they get trapped." Our villa on the beach on St. George Island had instructions about what to do to protect the turtles during nesting time.
We found out something else interesting in Apalachicola and it had nothing to do with turtles. On an historic tour we learned that in 1837 the Orman House was built near Syracuse then unassembled for shipping. It traveled by sailing ship to Apalachicola where it was reassembled. We learn such interesting things, don’t we?